Image manipulation library

Image manipulation library for C99 or C++, with a focus on ease-of-use. More...


 String Manipulation

Data Structures

union  pntr_color
struct  pntr_rectangle
struct  pntr_image
struct  pntr_vector
struct  pntr_font


#define PNTR_API
#define PNTR_PIXEL(image, x, y)   image->data[(y) * (image->pitch >> 2) + (x)]


typedef union pntr_color pntr_color
typedef struct pntr_rectangle pntr_rectangle
typedef struct pntr_image pntr_image
typedef struct pntr_vector pntr_vector
typedef struct pntr_font pntr_font
typedef enum pntr_pixelformat pntr_pixelformat
typedef enum pntr_filter pntr_filter
typedef enum pntr_error pntr_error
typedef enum pntr_image_type pntr_image_type


enum  pntr_error {


PNTR_API pntr_imagepntr_new_image (int width, int height)
PNTR_API pntr_imagepntr_gen_image_color (int width, int height, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API pntr_imagepntr_image_copy (pntr_image *image)
PNTR_API pntr_imagepntr_image_from_image (pntr_image *image, int x, int y, int width, int height)
PNTR_API pntr_imagepntr_image_subimage (pntr_image *image, int x, int y, int width, int height)
PNTR_API pntr_rectangle pntr_image_get_clip (pntr_image *image)
PNTR_API void pntr_image_set_clip (pntr_image *image, int x, int y, int width, int height)
PNTR_API void pntr_image_set_clip_rec (pntr_image *image, pntr_rectangle clip)
PNTR_API void pntr_image_reset_clip (pntr_image *image)
PNTR_API void pntr_unload_image (pntr_image *image)
PNTR_API void pntr_clear_background (pntr_image *image, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_point (pntr_image *dst, int x, int y, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_point_vec (pntr_image *dst, pntr_vector *point, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_points (pntr_image *dst, pntr_vector *points, int pointsCount, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_line (pntr_image *dst, int startPosX, int startPosY, int endPosX, int endPosY, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_line_vec (pntr_image *dst, pntr_vector start, pntr_vector end, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_line_vertical (pntr_image *dst, int posX, int posY, int height, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_line_horizontal (pntr_image *dst, int posX, int posY, int width, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_rectangle (pntr_image *dst, int posX, int posY, int width, int height, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_rectangle_rec (pntr_image *dst, pntr_rectangle rec, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_rectangle_thick (pntr_image *dst, int posX, int posY, int width, int height, int thickness, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_rectangle_thick_rec (pntr_image *dst, pntr_rectangle rect, int thickness, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_rectangle_fill (pntr_image *dst, int posX, int posY, int width, int height, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_rectangle_fill_rec (pntr_image *dst, pntr_rectangle rect, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_rectangle_gradient (pntr_image *dst, int x, int y, int width, int height, pntr_color topLeft, pntr_color topRight, pntr_color bottomLeft, pntr_color bottomRight)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_rectangle_gradient_rec (pntr_image *dst, pntr_rectangle rect, pntr_color topLeft, pntr_color topRight, pntr_color bottomLeft, pntr_color bottomRight)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_triangle (pntr_image *dst, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_triangle_vec (pntr_image *dst, pntr_vector point1, pntr_vector point2, pntr_vector point3, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_triangle_fill (pntr_image *dst, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_triangle_fill_vec (pntr_image *dst, pntr_vector point1, pntr_vector point2, pntr_vector point3, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_ellipse (pntr_image *dst, int centerX, int centerY, int radiusX, int radiusY, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_ellipse_fill (pntr_image *dst, int centerX, int centerY, int radiusX, int radiusY, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_circle (pntr_image *dst, int centerX, int centerY, int radius, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_circle_fill (pntr_image *dst, int centerX, int centerY, int radius, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_polygon (pntr_image *dst, pntr_vector *points, int numPoints, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_polygon_fill (pntr_image *dst, pntr_vector *points, int numPoints, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_polyline (pntr_image *dst, pntr_vector *points, int numPoints, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_arc (pntr_image *dst, int centerX, int centerY, float radius, float startAngle, float endAngle, int segments, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_arc_fill (pntr_image *dst, int centerX, int centerY, float radius, float startAngle, float endAngle, int segments, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_rectangle_rounded (pntr_image *dst, int x, int y, int width, int height, int topLeftRadius, int topRightRadius, int bottomLeftRadius, int bottomRightRadius, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_rectangle_rounded_fill (pntr_image *dst, int x, int y, int width, int height, int cornerRadius, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_image (pntr_image *dst, pntr_image *src, int posX, int posY)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_image_rec (pntr_image *dst, pntr_image *src, pntr_rectangle srcRect, int posX, int posY)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_image_tint (pntr_image *dst, pntr_image *src, int posX, int posY, pntr_color tint)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_image_tint_rec (pntr_image *dst, pntr_image *src, pntr_rectangle srcRect, int posX, int posY, pntr_color tint)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_image_rotated (pntr_image *dst, pntr_image *src, int posX, int posY, float degrees, float offsetX, float offsetY, pntr_filter filter)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_image_rotated_rec (pntr_image *dst, pntr_image *src, pntr_rectangle srcRect, int posX, int posY, float degrees, float offsetX, float offsetY, pntr_filter filter)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_image_flipped (pntr_image *dst, pntr_image *src, int posX, int posY, bool flipHorizontal, bool flipVertical, bool flipDiagonal)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_image_flipped_rec (pntr_image *dst, pntr_image *src, pntr_rectangle srcRec, int posX, int posY, bool flipHorizontal, bool flipVertical, bool flipDiagonal)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_image_scaled (pntr_image *dst, pntr_image *src, int posX, int posY, float scaleX, float scaleY, float offsetX, float offsetY, pntr_filter filter)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_image_scaled_rec (pntr_image *dst, pntr_image *src, pntr_rectangle srcRect, int posX, int posY, float scaleX, float scaleY, float offsetX, float offsetY, pntr_filter filter)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_text (pntr_image *dst, pntr_font *font, const char *text, int posX, int posY, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_text_wrapped (pntr_image *dst, pntr_font *font, const char *text, int posX, int posY, int maxWidth, pntr_color tint)
PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_new_color (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a)
PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_get_color (unsigned int hexValue)
PNTR_API unsigned char pntr_color_r (pntr_color color)
PNTR_API unsigned char pntr_color_g (pntr_color color)
PNTR_API unsigned char pntr_color_b (pntr_color color)
PNTR_API unsigned char pntr_color_a (pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_color_set_r (pntr_color *color, unsigned char r)
PNTR_API void pntr_color_set_g (pntr_color *color, unsigned char g)
PNTR_API void pntr_color_set_b (pntr_color *color, unsigned char b)
PNTR_API void pntr_color_set_a (pntr_color *color, unsigned char a)
PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_image_get_color (pntr_image *image, int x, int y)
PNTR_API bool pntr_save_file (const char *fileName, const void *data, unsigned int bytesToWrite)
PNTR_API void * pntr_image_to_pixelformat (pntr_image *image, unsigned int *dataSize, pntr_pixelformat pixelFormat)
PNTR_API bool pntr_save_image (pntr_image *image, const char *fileName)
PNTR_API unsigned char * pntr_save_image_to_memory (pntr_image *image, pntr_image_type type, unsigned int *dataSize)
PNTR_API int pntr_get_pixel_data_size (int width, int height, pntr_pixelformat pixelFormat)
PNTR_API pntr_imagepntr_load_image (const char *fileName)
PNTR_API pntr_imagepntr_load_image_from_memory (pntr_image_type type, const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int dataSize)
PNTR_API pntr_imagepntr_image_from_pixelformat (const void *data, int width, int height, pntr_pixelformat pixelFormat)
PNTR_API void * pntr_set_error (pntr_error error)
PNTR_API const char * pntr_get_error (void)
PNTR_API pntr_error pntr_get_error_code (void)
PNTR_API pntr_imagepntr_image_resize (pntr_image *image, int newWidth, int newHeight, pntr_filter filter)
PNTR_API pntr_imagepntr_image_scale (pntr_image *image, float scaleX, float scaleY, pntr_filter filter)
PNTR_API void pntr_image_color_replace (pntr_image *image, pntr_color color, pntr_color replace)
PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_color_tint (pntr_color color, pntr_color tint)
PNTR_API void pntr_image_color_tint (pntr_image *image, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_color_fade (pntr_color color, float alpha)
PNTR_API void pntr_image_color_fade (pntr_image *image, float alpha)
PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_color_brightness (pntr_color color, float factor)
PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_get_pixel_color (void *srcPtr, pntr_pixelformat srcPixelFormat)
PNTR_API void pntr_set_pixel_color (void *dstPtr, pntr_pixelformat dstPixelFormat, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API pntr_fontpntr_load_font_default (void)
PNTR_API void pntr_unload_font (pntr_font *font)
PNTR_API pntr_fontpntr_font_copy (pntr_font *font)
PNTR_API pntr_fontpntr_font_scale (pntr_font *font, float scaleX, float scaleY, pntr_filter filter)
PNTR_API pntr_fontpntr_load_font_bmf (const char *fileName, const char *characters)
PNTR_API pntr_fontpntr_load_font_bmf_from_image (pntr_image *image, const char *characters)
PNTR_API pntr_fontpntr_load_font_bmf_from_memory (const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int dataSize, const char *characters)
PNTR_API int pntr_measure_text (pntr_font *font, const char *text)
PNTR_API pntr_vector pntr_measure_text_ex (pntr_font *font, const char *text, int textLength)
PNTR_API pntr_imagepntr_gen_image_text (pntr_font *font, const char *text, pntr_color tint)
PNTR_API pntr_fontpntr_load_font_tty (const char *fileName, int glyphWidth, int glyphHeight, const char *characters)
PNTR_API pntr_fontpntr_load_font_tty_from_memory (const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int dataSize, int glyphWidth, int glyphHeight, const char *characters)
PNTR_API pntr_fontpntr_load_font_tty_from_image (pntr_image *image, int glyphWidth, int glyphHeight, const char *characters)
PNTR_API unsigned char * pntr_load_file (const char *fileName, unsigned int *bytesRead)
PNTR_API void pntr_unload_file (unsigned char *fileData)
PNTR_API const char * pntr_load_file_text (const char *fileName)
PNTR_API void pntr_unload_file_text (const char *text)
PNTR_API pntr_fontpntr_load_font_ttf (const char *fileName, int fontSize)
PNTR_API pntr_fontpntr_load_font_ttf_from_memory (const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int dataSize, int fontSize)
PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_color_invert (pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_image_color_invert (pntr_image *image)
PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_color_alpha_blend (pntr_color dst, pntr_color src)
PNTR_API pntr_rectangle pntr_image_alpha_border (pntr_image *image, float threshold)
PNTR_API bool pntr_image_crop (pntr_image *image, int x, int y, int width, int height)
PNTR_API void pntr_image_alpha_crop (pntr_image *image, float threshold)
PNTR_API void pntr_image_color_brightness (pntr_image *image, float factor)
PNTR_API void pntr_image_flip (pntr_image *image, bool horizontal, bool vertical)
PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_color_contrast (pntr_color color, float contrast)
PNTR_API void pntr_image_color_contrast (pntr_image *image, float contrast)
PNTR_API void pntr_image_alpha_mask (pntr_image *image, pntr_image *alphaMask, int posX, int posY)
PNTR_API bool pntr_image_resize_canvas (pntr_image *image, int newWidth, int newHeight, int offsetX, int offsetY, pntr_color fill)
PNTR_API pntr_imagepntr_image_rotate (pntr_image *image, float degrees, pntr_filter filter)
PNTR_API pntr_imagepntr_gen_image_gradient (int width, int height, pntr_color topLeft, pntr_color topRight, pntr_color bottomLeft, pntr_color bottomRight)
PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_color_bilinear_interpolate (pntr_color color00, pntr_color color01, pntr_color color10, pntr_color color11, float coordinateX, float coordinateY)
PNTR_API void * pntr_load_memory (size_t size)
PNTR_API void pntr_unload_memory (void *pointer)
PNTR_API void * pntr_memory_copy (void *destination, void *source, size_t size)
PNTR_API pntr_image_type pntr_get_file_image_type (const char *filePath)
PNTR_API void pntr_put_horizontal_line_unsafe (pntr_image *dst, int posX, int posY, int width, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_point_unsafe (pntr_image *dst, int x, int y, pntr_color color)
PNTR_API void pntr_blend_color (pntr_color *dst, pntr_color src)

Detailed Description

Image manipulation library for C99 or C++, with a focus on ease-of-use.

Make sure to define PNTR_IMPLEMENTATION before including in one of your .c files.

#include "pntr.h"
int main() {
pntr_image* image = pntr_new_image(200, 200);
pntr_draw_circle_fill(image, 100, 100, 80, PNTR_RED);
pntr_save_image(image, "output.png");
return 0;
#define PNTR_RED
Definition: pntr.h:788
PNTR_API void pntr_unload_image(pntr_image *image)
Definition: pntr.h:1744
PNTR_API pntr_image * pntr_new_image(int width, int height)
Definition: pntr.h:1516
PNTR_API bool pntr_save_image(pntr_image *image, const char *fileName)
Definition: pntr.h:4426
PNTR_API void pntr_draw_circle_fill(pntr_image *dst, int centerX, int centerY, int radius, pntr_color color)
Definition: pntr.h:2289
Definition: pntr.h:404
See also

Macro Definition Documentation


#define PNTR_API

Prefix applied to all pntr methods.

If you're using Emscripten, for instance, you could use the following to export all pntr methods:



#define PNTR_PIXEL (   image,
)    image->data[(y) * (image->pitch >> 2) + (x)]

Retrieve the pixel at the given x,y coordinate of the image.

imageThe image to check against.
xThe x coordinate.
yThe y coordinate.
The pixel color at the given coordinate.



The set pixel format for the application.

Will become either PNTR_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888 or PNTR_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888, with the default being PNTR_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888.

See also

Typedef Documentation

◆ pntr_color

typedef union pntr_color pntr_color

Color, represented by an unsigned 32-bit integer.

Has four components: Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha. Depending on the pixel format, will shift the order in which the components are defines.

See also

◆ pntr_error

typedef enum pntr_error pntr_error

Error states definitions.

See also

◆ pntr_filter

typedef enum pntr_filter pntr_filter

Possible image filters to apply.

◆ pntr_font

typedef struct pntr_font pntr_font

Font used to render text.

If PNTR_ENABLE_UTF8 is enabled, will allow loading fonts with UTF-8 support.

See also

◆ pntr_image

typedef struct pntr_image pntr_image

An image, represented by pixel data.

See also

◆ pntr_image_type

The associated image format.

◆ pntr_pixelformat

Pixel format.

◆ pntr_rectangle

A rectangle.

◆ pntr_vector

typedef struct pntr_vector pntr_vector

A vector, represented by x and y coordinates.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ pntr_error

enum pntr_error

Error states definitions.

See also

No error


Invalid arguments


Not enough memory


Not supported


Failed to open


Failed to write


Unknown error occurred

◆ pntr_filter

Possible image filters to apply.


Nearest-neighbor interpolation for fast processing.

This is good for scaling up pixel art when you want to keep the pixel art look.


Bilinear interpolation will combine multiple pixels together when processing for smoother scaling.

See also

◆ pntr_image_type

The associated image format.


Image type: Unknown.


Image type: PNG.


Image type: JPEG.


Image type: BMP.

◆ pntr_pixelformat

Pixel format.


RGBA, with 8 bytes for each component.


ARGB, with 8 bytes for each component.


Grayscale, with one byte for each pixel, 0 - 255. 0 being disabled, 255 being enabled.

Function Documentation

◆ pntr_blend_color()

PNTR_API void pntr_blend_color ( pntr_color dst,
pntr_color  src 

Alpha blend the source color into the destination color.

dstThe destination color.
srcThe source color.
See also

◆ pntr_clear_background()

PNTR_API void pntr_clear_background ( pntr_image image,
pntr_color  color 

Clears an image with the given color.

Clearing the background ignores clipping.

imageThe image to clear.
colorThe color to fill the image with.

◆ pntr_color_alpha_blend()

PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_color_alpha_blend ( pntr_color  dst,
pntr_color  src 

Get source alpha-blended into destination color.

dstThe destination color.
srcThe source color.
The new alpha-blended color.
See also

◆ pntr_color_bilinear_interpolate()

PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_color_bilinear_interpolate ( pntr_color  color00,
pntr_color  color01,
pntr_color  color10,
pntr_color  color11,
float  coordinateX,
float  coordinateY 

Bilinear interpolate the given colors, in the sequence below, based on their given 0-1 coordinates.

The colors appear in the following order:

00 10
01 11
color00The top left color.
color01The bottom left color.
color10The top right color.
color11The bottom right color.
coordinateXA 0.0f to 1.0f fraction between color00 and color 10.
coordinateYA 0.0f to 1.0f fraction between color00 and color 01.
The bilinear interpolated color.

◆ pntr_color_brightness()

PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_color_brightness ( pntr_color  color,
float  factor 

Change brightness of the given color by a factor from -1.0f to 1.0f.

colorThe color to change the brightness of.
factorThe factor in which to change the brightness from -1.0f to 1.0f.
See also

◆ pntr_color_contrast()

PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_color_contrast ( pntr_color  color,
float  contrast 

Apply contrast to the given color.

colorThe color to apply constrast to.
contrastThe amount of constrast to apply, from -1.0f to 1.0f.
The new color with the contrast applied.

◆ pntr_color_fade()

PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_color_fade ( pntr_color  color,
float  factor 

Fades the given color by a factor from -1.0f to 1.0f.

colorThe color that you would like to fade.
factorThe factor of which to fade the color, from -1.0f to 1.0f.
The faded new color.
See also

◆ pntr_color_invert()

PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_color_invert ( pntr_color  color)

Inverts the given color.

colorThe color to invert.
The new inverted color.
See also

◆ pntr_color_tint()

PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_color_tint ( pntr_color  color,
pntr_color  tint 

Tints the given color by another color.

colorThe source color to apply the tint to.
tintThe tint color.
The newly tinted color.
See also

◆ pntr_draw_circle()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_circle ( pntr_image dst,
int  centerX,
int  centerY,
int  radius,
pntr_color  color 

Draws a circle from the given center, with the given radius.

This uses the Midpoint Circle Algorithm:

TODO: pntr_draw_circle: Add anti-aliased, and thickness.

dstThe image to draw the circle onto.
centerXThe center of the circle at the X coordinate.
centerXThe center of the circle at the Y coordinate.
radiusThe radius of the circle.
colorThe desired color of the circle.
See also

◆ pntr_draw_circle_fill()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_circle_fill ( pntr_image dst,
int  centerX,
int  centerY,
int  radius,
pntr_color  color 

Draws a filled circle on the given image.

TODO: pntr_draw_circle_fill: Add anti-aliased.

dstThe image to draw the filled circle onto.
centerXThe center of the circle at the X coordinate.
centerXThe center of the circle at the Y coordinate.
radiusThe radius of the circle.
colorThe desired fill color of the circle.
See also

◆ pntr_draw_ellipse()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_ellipse ( pntr_image dst,
int  centerX,
int  centerY,
int  radiusX,
int  radiusY,
pntr_color  color 

Draws an ellipse on the given image.

dstThe image to draw the filled circle onto.
centerXThe center of the circle at the X coordinate.
centerXThe center of the circle at the Y coordinate.
radiusXThe horizontal radius of the circle.
radiusYThe vertical radius of the circle.
colorThe desired color of the circle.
See also

◆ pntr_draw_ellipse_fill()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_ellipse_fill ( pntr_image dst,
int  centerX,
int  centerY,
int  radiusX,
int  radiusY,
pntr_color  color 

Draws a filled ellipse on the given image.

TODO: pntr_draw_ellipse_fill: Add anti-aliased

dstThe image to draw the filled circle onto.
centerXThe center of the circle at the X coordinate.
centerXThe center of the circle at the Y coordinate.
radiusXThe horizontal radius of the circle.
radiusYThe vertical radius of the circle.
colorThe desired fill color of the circle.
See also

◆ pntr_draw_image()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_image ( pntr_image dst,
pntr_image src,
int  posX,
int  posY 

Draw an image onto the destination image.

◆ pntr_draw_image_rec()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_image_rec ( pntr_image dst,
pntr_image src,
pntr_rectangle  srcRect,
int  posX,
int  posY 

Draw a source image within a destination image.

dstThe destination image.
srcThe source image.
srcRectThe source rectangle of what to draw from the source image.
posXWhere to draw the image on the x coordinate.
posYWhere to draw the image on the y coordinate.
See also

◆ pntr_draw_image_rotated()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_image_rotated ( pntr_image dst,
pntr_image src,
int  posX,
int  posY,
float  degrees,
float  offsetX,
float  offsetY,
pntr_filter  filter 

Draw a rotated image onto another image.

dstPointer to the destination image where the output will be stored.
srcPointer to the source image that will be drawn onto the destination image.
posXWhere to draw the rotated image, at the X coordinate.
posYWhere to draw the rotated image, at the Y coordinate.
degreesThe degrees of rotation.
offsetXOffset in the X direction after rotation.
offsetYOffset in the Y direction after rotation.
filterFilter to be applied during the rotation. PNTR_FILTER_BILINEAR and PNTR_FILTER_NEARESTNEIGHBOR are supported.
See also

◆ pntr_draw_image_rotated_rec()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_image_rotated_rec ( pntr_image dst,
pntr_image src,
pntr_rectangle  srcRect,
int  posX,
int  posY,
float  degrees,
float  offsetX,
float  offsetY,
pntr_filter  filter 

Draw a rotated portion of an image onto another image.

dstPointer to the destination image where the output will be stored.
srcPointer to the source image that will be drawn onto the destination image.
srcRectThe portion of the source image to draw.
posXWhere to draw the rotated image, at the X coordinate.
posYWhere to draw the rotated image, at the Y coordinate.
degreesThe degrees of rotation.
offsetXOffset in the X direction after rotation.
offsetYOffset in the Y direction after rotation.
filterFilter to be applied during the rotation. PNTR_FILTER_BILINEAR and PNTR_FILTER_NEARESTNEIGHBOR are supported.
See also

◆ pntr_draw_image_scaled()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_image_scaled ( pntr_image dst,
pntr_image src,
int  posX,
int  posY,
float  scaleX,
float  scaleY,
float  offsetX,
float  offsetY,
pntr_filter  filter 

Draw a scaled image.

dstPointer to the destination image where the output will be stored.
srcPointer to the source image that will be drawn onto the destination image.
posXWhere to draw the scaled image, at the X coordinate.
posYWhere to draw the scaled image, at the Y coordinate.
scaleXThe scale of which to apply to the width of the image.
scaleYThe scale of which to apply to the height of the image.
offsetXHow much to offset the X drawing of the image, relative from its original source size.
offsetXHow much to offset the Y drawing of the image, relative from its original source size.
filterFilter to be applied during the rotation.

◆ pntr_draw_image_tint()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_image_tint ( pntr_image dst,
pntr_image src,
int  posX,
int  posY,
pntr_color  tint 

Draw an image onto the destination image, with tint.

◆ pntr_draw_image_tint_rec()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_image_tint_rec ( pntr_image dst,
pntr_image src,
pntr_rectangle  srcRect,
int  posX,
int  posY,
pntr_color  tint 

Draw a source image within a destination image, with tint.

dstThe destination image.
srcThe source image.
srcRectThe source rectangle of what to draw from the source image.
posXWhere to draw the image on the x coordinate.
posYWhere to draw the image on the y coordinate.
tintThe color to tint the image when drawing.
See also

◆ pntr_draw_line()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_line ( pntr_image dst,
int  startPosX,
int  startPosY,
int  endPosX,
int  endPosY,
pntr_color  color 

Draws a line on the given image.

TODO: pntr_draw_line: Add anti-aliased, and thickness to the lines.

See also

◆ pntr_draw_line_horizontal()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_line_horizontal ( pntr_image dst,
int  posX,
int  posY,
int  width,
pntr_color  color 

Draw a horizontal line at the given x, y coordinates.

dstThe destination image.
posXThe X position.
posYThe Y position.
widthHow long the line should be.
colorThe color of the line.

TODO: pntr_draw_line_horizontal: Support negative width.

◆ pntr_draw_line_vertical()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_line_vertical ( pntr_image dst,
int  posX,
int  posY,
int  height,
pntr_color  color 

Draw a vertical line at the given x, y coordinates.

dstThe destination image.
posXThe X position.
posYThe Y position.
heightHow tall the line should be.
colorThe color of the line.

TODO: pntr_draw_line_vertical: Support negative height.

◆ pntr_draw_point()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_point ( pntr_image dst,
int  x,
int  y,
pntr_color  color 

Draws a pixel on the given image.

◆ pntr_draw_point_unsafe()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_point_unsafe ( pntr_image dst,
int  x,
int  y,
pntr_color  color 

Draws a point on the given image, without safety checks.

◆ pntr_draw_rectangle()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_rectangle ( pntr_image dst,
int  posX,
int  posY,
int  width,
int  height,
pntr_color  color 

Draw a rectangle on the given image.

dstThe destination image.
posXThe X position.
posYThe Y position.
widthHow wide the rectangle should be.
heightHow tall the rectangle should be.
colorThe color of the line.
See also

◆ pntr_draw_rectangle_fill()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_rectangle_fill ( pntr_image dst,
int  posX,
int  posY,
int  width,
int  height,
pntr_color  color 

Draws a filled rectangle on the given image.

dstThe destination image.
posXThe X position.
posYThe Y position.
widthHow wide the rectangle should be.
heightHow tall the rectangle should be.
colorThe color of the rectangle.
See also

◆ pntr_draw_rectangle_fill_rec()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_rectangle_fill_rec ( pntr_image dst,
pntr_rectangle  rect,
pntr_color  color 

Draws a filled rectangle on the given image, using a rectangle as input data.

dstThe destination image.
rectThe rectangle of which to draw.
colorThe color of the rectangle.
See also

◆ pntr_draw_rectangle_rec()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_rectangle_rec ( pntr_image dst,
pntr_rectangle  rec,
pntr_color  color 

Draws a rectangle using a rectangle.

dstWhere to draw the rectangle.
recThe rectangle of which to draw.
colorThe color of the lines for the rectangle.

◆ pntr_draw_text()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_text ( pntr_image dst,
pntr_font font,
const char *  text,
int  posX,
int  posY,
pntr_color  tint 

Prints text on the given image.

dstThe image of which to print the text on.
fontThe font to use when rendering the text.
textThe text to write. Must be NULL terminated.
posXThe position to print the text, starting from the top left on the X axis.
posYThe position to print the text, starting from the top left on the Y axis.
tintWhat color to tint the font when drawing. Use PNTR_WHITE if you don't want to change the source color.
See also

◆ pntr_draw_text_wrapped()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_text_wrapped ( pntr_image dst,
pntr_font font,
const char *  text,
int  posX,
int  posY,
int  maxWidth,
pntr_color  tint 

Draws word-wrapped text on the given image.

dstThe image of which to print the text on.
fontThe font to use when rendering the text.
textThe text to write. Must be NULL terminated.
posXThe position to print the text, starting from the top left on the X axis.
posYThe position to print the text, starting from the top left on the Y axis.
maxWidthThe maximum width for each line.
tintWhat color to tint the font when drawing. Use PNTR_WHITE if you don't want to change the source color.
See also

◆ pntr_draw_triangle()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_triangle ( pntr_image dst,
int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2,
int  x3,
int  y3,
pntr_color  color 

Draw a triangle on an image.

dstThe image of which to draw the triangle.
x1The x coordinate of the first point.
y1The y coordinate of the first point.
x2The x coordinate of the second point.
y2The y coordinate of the second point.
x3The x coordinate of the third point.
y3The y coordinate of the third point.
colorThe line color for the triangle.

◆ pntr_draw_triangle_fill()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_triangle_fill ( pntr_image dst,
int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2,
int  x3,
int  y3,
pntr_color  color 

Draw a filled triangle on an image.

dstThe image of which to draw the triangle.
x1The x coordinate of the first point.
y1The y coordinate of the first point.
x2The x coordinate of the second point.
y2The y coordinate of the second point.
x3The x coordinate of the third point.
y3The y coordinate of the third point.
colorThe fill color of the triangle.

◆ pntr_draw_triangle_fill_vec()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_triangle_fill_vec ( pntr_image dst,
pntr_vector  point1,
pntr_vector  point2,
pntr_vector  point3,
pntr_color  color 

Draw a filled triangle using vectors.

dstWhere to draw the triangle.
point1The first point in the triangle.
point2The second point in the triangle.
point3The third point in the triangle.
colorWhat color to draw the triangle.

◆ pntr_draw_triangle_vec()

PNTR_API void pntr_draw_triangle_vec ( pntr_image dst,
pntr_vector  point1,
pntr_vector  point2,
pntr_vector  point3,
pntr_color  color 

Draw a triangle using vectors.

dstWhere to draw the triangle.
point1The first point in the triangle.
point2The second point in the triangle.
point3The third point in the triangle.
colorWhat color to draw the triangle.

◆ pntr_font_copy()

PNTR_API pntr_font * pntr_font_copy ( pntr_font font)

Creates a copy of the given font.

fontThe font to copy.
A new font that is a copy of the given font.

◆ pntr_font_scale()

PNTR_API pntr_font * pntr_font_scale ( pntr_font font,
float  scaleX,
float  scaleY,
pntr_filter  filter 

Resize a font by a given scales.

fontThe font that you would like to scale.
scaleXThe scale of which to resize the width of the font by.
scaleYThe scale of which to resize the height of the font by.
filterThe filter to apply when resizing the font. PNTR_FILTER_NEARESTNEIGHBOR is good for pixel fonts.
The new font that has been resized.

◆ pntr_gen_image_color()

PNTR_API pntr_image * pntr_gen_image_color ( int  width,
int  height,
pntr_color  color 

Generate a new image with the given color.

widthThe width of the new image.
heightThe height of the given image.
colorThe desired color that will fill the new image.
A pointer to the new image in memory.

◆ pntr_gen_image_gradient()

PNTR_API pntr_image * pntr_gen_image_gradient ( int  width,
int  height,
pntr_color  topLeft,
pntr_color  topRight,
pntr_color  bottomLeft,
pntr_color  bottomRight 

Generate image: vertical and horizontal gradient.

widthThe width of the new image.
heightThe height of the new image.
topLeftThe color at the top left of the image.
topRightThe color at the top right of the image.
bottomLeftThe color at the bottom left of the image.
bottomRightThe color at the bottom right of the image.
A pointer to the new image.

◆ pntr_gen_image_text()

PNTR_API pntr_image * pntr_gen_image_text ( pntr_font font,
const char *  text,
pntr_color  tint 

Generate an image with rendered text on it.

fontThe font to use when rendering the text.
textThe text to render.
tintThe color to tint the text by. Use PNTR_WHITE if you don't want to change the color.
A new image with text on it, using the given font.

◆ pntr_get_color()

PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_get_color ( unsigned int  hexValue)

Get a pntr_color from a RGBA hexadecimal value

hexValueThe RGBA hexadecimal value representing the color. For example: 0x052c46ff.
The color representing the given hex value.

◆ pntr_get_file_image_type()

PNTR_API pntr_image_type pntr_get_file_image_type ( const char *  filePath)

Get the file type of the given image, based on its filename.

filePathThe file path to the image.
The type of the image, based on its file extension, or PNTR_IMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN if it's unknown.
See also

◆ pntr_get_pixel_color()

PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_get_pixel_color ( void *  srcPtr,
pntr_pixelformat  srcPixelFormat 

Gets the pixel color of the given pointer.

srcPtrA pointer to the given source data.
srcPixelFormatThe pixel format of the given source color.
The color of the pixel in memory.

◆ pntr_get_pixel_data_size()

PNTR_API int pntr_get_pixel_data_size ( int  width,
int  height,
pntr_pixelformat  pixelFormat 

Retrieve the size of the image data in memory in bytes, depending on the given pixel format.

widthThe width of the image data.
heightThe height of the image data.
pixelFormatThe pixel format of the image data.
The size of the image data, in bytes.

◆ pntr_image_alpha_border()

PNTR_API pntr_rectangle pntr_image_alpha_border ( pntr_image image,
float  threshold 

Calculates a rectangle representing the available alpha border.

imageThe image to calculate the alpha border on.
thresholdA threshold factor from 0.0f to 1.0f to consider alpha.
The rectangle representing the alpha border of the image.

◆ pntr_image_alpha_crop()

PNTR_API void pntr_image_alpha_crop ( pntr_image image,
float  threshold 

Crop an image based on the alpha border.

imageThe image to crop.
thresholdThe alpha threshold to crop by, from 0.0f to 1.0f.
See also

◆ pntr_image_alpha_mask()

PNTR_API void pntr_image_alpha_mask ( pntr_image image,
pntr_image alphaMask,
int  posX,
int  posY 

Apply an alpha mask to an image.

imageThe image to apply the alpha mask to.
alphaMaskAn image that has the alphaMask data.
posXWhere to position the alpha mask on the image.
posYWhere to position the alpha mask on the image.

◆ pntr_image_color_brightness()

PNTR_API void pntr_image_color_brightness ( pntr_image image,
float  factor 

Changes the brightness of the given image by a factor.

imageThe image to change brightness of.
factorThe factor in which to affect the brightness from -1.0f to 1.0f.
See also

◆ pntr_image_color_contrast()

PNTR_API void pntr_image_color_contrast ( pntr_image image,
float  contrast 

Apply contrast to the given image.

imageThe image you would like to apply contrast to.
contrastThe factor of contrast to apply, from -1.0f to 1.0f.
See also

◆ pntr_image_color_fade()

PNTR_API void pntr_image_color_fade ( pntr_image image,
float  factor 

Fade an image by the given factor.

imageThe image to fade.
factorThe factor of which to fade the image, from -1.0f to 1.0f.
See also

◆ pntr_image_color_invert()

PNTR_API void pntr_image_color_invert ( pntr_image image)

Inverts the given image.

imageThe image to invert.
See also

◆ pntr_image_color_replace()

PNTR_API void pntr_image_color_replace ( pntr_image image,
pntr_color  color,
pntr_color  replace 

Replace the given color with another color on an image.

imageThe image to process.
colorThe color to search for.
replaceThe color that will replace the original color.

◆ pntr_image_color_tint()

PNTR_API void pntr_image_color_tint ( pntr_image image,
pntr_color  tint 

Tints the given image by the provided color.

imageThe image to tint.
tintThe color of which to tint the image by.
See also

◆ pntr_image_copy()

PNTR_API pntr_image * pntr_image_copy ( pntr_image image)

Create an image duplicate.

imageThe image that you want to copy.
A pointer to the new image that is a copy of the original image.

◆ pntr_image_crop()

PNTR_API bool pntr_image_crop ( pntr_image image,
int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height 

Crops an image by the given coordinates.

imageThe image to crop.
xThe x coordinate to crop from.
yThe y coordinate to crop from.
widthThe width of the desired crop.
heightThe height of the desired crop.
See also

◆ pntr_image_flip()

PNTR_API void pntr_image_flip ( pntr_image image,
bool  horizontal,
bool  vertical 

Flip an image, vertically, or horizontally, or both.

imageThe image to flip.
horizontalWhether or not to flip the image horizontally.
verticalWhether or not to flip the image vertically.
See also

◆ pntr_image_from_image()

PNTR_API pntr_image * pntr_image_from_image ( pntr_image image,
int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height 

Creates a new image from a section of the original image.

The new image must be cleared with pntr_unload_image().

imageThe original image to build the new image from.
xThe x coordinate to build the new image from.
yThe y coordinate to build the new image from.
widthThe width of the new image.
heightThe height of the new image.
A new image that is based off of the section of the original image.
See also

◆ pntr_image_from_pixelformat()

PNTR_API pntr_image * pntr_image_from_pixelformat ( const void *  imageData,
int  width,
int  height,
pntr_pixelformat  pixelFormat 

Creates a new image based on the given image data, from the given original pixel format.

This will not clear the original imageData.

imageDataThe data of the image in memory.
widthThe width of the image.
heightThe height of the image.
pixelFormatThe pixel format of the image in memory.
A new image built from the given image data.

◆ pntr_image_get_clip()

PNTR_API pntr_rectangle pntr_image_get_clip ( pntr_image image)

Get the clip rectangle from the given image. Anything outside of the clip cannot be changed.

imageThe image of which to get the clip rectangle for.
The clip rectangle associated with the given image.

◆ pntr_image_get_color()

PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_image_get_color ( pntr_image image,
int  x,
int  y 

Get image pixel color at (x, y) position.

imageThe image to get the color from.
xThe x position of the pixel.
yThe y position of the pixel.
The color at (x, y) position from the image.

◆ pntr_image_reset_clip()

PNTR_API void pntr_image_reset_clip ( pntr_image image)

Reset the clipping rectangle for the given image.

imageThe image to reset the clipping image for.
See also

◆ pntr_image_resize()

PNTR_API pntr_image * pntr_image_resize ( pntr_image image,
int  newWidth,
int  newHeight,
pntr_filter  filter 

Resize an image.

imageThe image to resize.
newWidthThe desired width of the new image.
newHeightTHe desired height of the new image.
filterWhich filter to apply when resizing.
The newly resized image.
See also

◆ pntr_image_resize_canvas()

PNTR_API bool pntr_image_resize_canvas ( pntr_image image,
int  newWidth,
int  newHeight,
int  offsetX,
int  offsetY,
pntr_color  fill 

Resize the canvas of the given image.

imageThe image you would like to resize.
newWidthThe desired width of the new canvas.
newHeightThe desired height of the new canvas.
offsetXHow to offset the image once its canvas is resized. Use 0 if you like to keep the original image on the left.
offsetYHow to offset the image once its canvas is resized. Use 0 if you like to keep the original image at the top.
fillThe color to use for the background of the new image.
True or false depending on if the image was resized correctly.

◆ pntr_image_rotate()

PNTR_API pntr_image * pntr_image_rotate ( pntr_image image,
float  degrees,
pntr_filter  filter 

Creates a new image based off the given image, that's rotated by the given degrees.

imageThe image to rotate.
degreesThe desired amount to rotate the image in degrees.
The new rotated image.
See also

◆ pntr_image_scale()

PNTR_API pntr_image * pntr_image_scale ( pntr_image image,
float  scaleX,
float  scaleY,
pntr_filter  filter 

Scales an image either up or down.

imageThe image to scale up or down.
scaleXThe scale of which to apply to the width of the image.
scaleYThe scale of which to apply to the height of the image.
filterThe filter to apply when resizing.
The newly scaled image.
See also

◆ pntr_image_set_clip()

PNTR_API void pntr_image_set_clip ( pntr_image image,
int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height 

Set the clipping rectangle for the given image to restrict drawing within.

imageThe image to set the clipping rectangle.
xThe X coordinate for the clipping rectangle.
yThe Y coordinate for the clipping rectangle.
widthThe width of the desired clipping rectangle.
heightThe height of the desired clipping rectangle.
See also

◆ pntr_image_set_clip_rec()

PNTR_API void pntr_image_set_clip_rec ( pntr_image image,
pntr_rectangle  clip 

Set the clipping rectangle for the given image to restrict drawing within, using a rectangle.

imageThe image to set the clipping rectangle.
clipThe rectangle to set the new clip boundries.
See also

◆ pntr_image_subimage()

PNTR_API pntr_image * pntr_image_subimage ( pntr_image image,
int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height 

Creates an image that references a section of another image.

This is useful to have images reference a sprite in a tileset. Sub-images still need to be cleared with pntr_unload_image().

imageThe original image to reference for the new portion of the image.
xThe X coorindate of the subimage.
yThe Y coordinate of the subimage.
widthThe width of the subimage.
heightThe height of the subimage.
The pntr_image referencing the section of the given image.
See also

◆ pntr_image_to_pixelformat()

PNTR_API void * pntr_image_to_pixelformat ( pntr_image image,
unsigned int *  dataSize,
pntr_pixelformat  pixelFormat 

Convert the given image to a new image using the provided pixel format.

imageThe image to convert.
dataSizeWhere to put the resulting size of the image data. Use NULL if you have no need for the resulting data size.
pixelFormatThe desired pixel format of the resulting image.
A pointer to the resulting image data in memory.

◆ pntr_load_file()

PNTR_API unsigned char * pntr_load_file ( const char *  fileName,
unsigned int *  bytesRead 

Loads a file from the file system.

This data must be cleared with pntr_unload_file() when finished.

You can define your own callback for this by defining PNTR_LOAD_FILE.

fileNameThe name of the file to load.
bytesReadWhere to stick the amount of bytes that were read. Use NULL if you don't need the file size.
A pointer to the file data in memory.
See also

◆ pntr_load_file_text()

PNTR_API const char * pntr_load_file_text ( const char *  fileName)

Load text from a file. Must be cleared with pntr_unload_file().

fileNameThe file to load.
See also

◆ pntr_load_font_bmf()

PNTR_API pntr_font * pntr_load_font_bmf ( const char *  fileName,
const char *  characters 

Load a BMFont from the file system.

fileNameThe name of the image file to load as the bmfont.
charactersA string representing the characters to load from the atlas.
The newly loaded font.
See also

◆ pntr_load_font_default()

PNTR_API pntr_font * pntr_load_font_default ( void  )

Load the default font.

This must be unloaded manually afterwards with pntr_unload_font().

Define PNTR_ENABLE_DEFAULT_FONT to allow using the default 8x8 font.

You can change this by defining your own PNTR_DEFAULT_FONT. It must match the definition of pntr_load_font_default()

#define PNTR_DEFAULT_FONT load_my_font
The default font, which must be unloaded when finished using.
See also

◆ pntr_load_font_ttf()

PNTR_API pntr_font * pntr_load_font_ttf ( const char *  fileName,
int  fontSize 

Loads a truetype font from the file system.

This needs to be compiled with PNTR_ENABLE_TTF to be supported.

fileNameThe name of the .ttf file.
fontSizeThe size of the font, in pixels.
The newly loaded truetype font.
See also

◆ pntr_load_font_ttf_from_memory()

PNTR_API pntr_font * pntr_load_font_ttf_from_memory ( const unsigned char *  fileData,
unsigned int  dataSize,
int  fontSize 

Load a truetype font from memory.

This needs to be compiled with PNTR_ENABLE_TTF to be supported.

fileDataThe data of the TTF file.
dataSizeThe size of the data in memory.
fontSizeThe desired size of the font, in pixels.
The newly loaded truetype font.
See also

◆ pntr_load_font_tty()

PNTR_API pntr_font * pntr_load_font_tty ( const char *  fileName,
int  glyphWidth,
int  glyphHeight,
const char *  characters 

Loads a TTY Font from the file system.

fileNameThe name of the image file to load as the font.
glyphWidthThe width of each character on the font atlas.
glyphHeightThe height of each character on the font atlas.
charactersA string of characters that appear in the image.
The newly loaded TTY font.
See also

◆ pntr_load_image()

PNTR_API pntr_image * pntr_load_image ( const char *  fileName)

Load an image from file.

fileNameThe name of the file to load from the file system.
The newly loaded file.

◆ pntr_load_image_from_memory()

PNTR_API pntr_image * pntr_load_image_from_memory ( pntr_image_type  type,
const unsigned char *  fileData,
unsigned int  dataSize 

Load an image from memory buffer.

This can be overloaded by defining PNTR_LOAD_IMAGE_FROM_MEMORY .
typeThe type of image to load.
fileDataThe data of the file to be loaded.
dataSizeThe size of the file data.
A newly loaded image, or NULL on failure.
See also

◆ pntr_load_memory()

PNTR_API void * pntr_load_memory ( size_t  size)

Allocates the given amount of bytes in size.

sizeThe amount of bytes to allocate to memory.
A pointer to the new memory address.
See also

◆ pntr_measure_text()

PNTR_API int pntr_measure_text ( pntr_font font,
const char *  text 

Measures the horizontal length of the text when rendered with the given font.

fontThe font to use when rendering the text.
textThe text to measure the length of.
The amount of pixels the text is when rendered with the font.

◆ pntr_measure_text_ex()

PNTR_API pntr_vector pntr_measure_text_ex ( pntr_font font,
const char *  text,
int  textLength 

Measures the width and height of the given text when rendered with the font.

fontThe font to use when rendering the text.
textThe text to measure the length of.
textLength(Optional) How long the string to measure is from text. Provide 0 to determine the string length with a null character.
A vector containing the width and height of the text when rendered by the font.

◆ pntr_memory_copy()

PNTR_API void * pntr_memory_copy ( void *  destination,
void *  source,
size_t  size 

Copy a memory address from the source to the destination.

destinationWhere to copy the memory to.
sourceThe source data.
sizeThe size of the data to copy.
The destination.
See also

◆ pntr_new_color()

PNTR_API pntr_color pntr_new_color ( unsigned char  red,
unsigned char  green,
unsigned char  blue,
unsigned char  alpha 

Creates a new color, provided the given red, green, blue, and alpha colors.

redThe red channel.
greenThe green channel.
blueThe blue channel.
alphaThe alpha channel.
The color with the given red, green, blue, and alpha components.

◆ pntr_new_image()

PNTR_API pntr_image * pntr_new_image ( int  width,
int  height 

Create a new image at the given width and height.

This method will not clear the image upon instantiation.

widthThe width of the new image.
heightThe height of the new image.
The new image that is the size of the given width/height.
See also

◆ pntr_put_horizontal_line_unsafe()

PNTR_API void pntr_put_horizontal_line_unsafe ( pntr_image dst,
int  posX,
int  posY,
int  width,
pntr_color  color 

Draws a line on the destination image.

◆ pntr_save_file()

PNTR_API bool pntr_save_file ( const char *  fileName,
const void *  data,
unsigned int  bytesToWrite 

Saves a file to the file system.

You can define your own callback for this by defining PNTR_SAVE_FILE.

fileNameThe name of the file to save.
dataA pointer to the memory data in memory.
bytesToWriteThe size of the data in memory.
True if the file saved properly, false otherwise.
See also

◆ pntr_save_image()

PNTR_API bool pntr_save_image ( pntr_image image,
const char *  fileName 

Saves an image to the file system.

imageThe image to save to the file system.
fileNameThe name of the file to save.
True when the file was saved successfully, false otherwise.
See also

◆ pntr_save_image_to_memory()

PNTR_API unsigned char * pntr_save_image_to_memory ( pntr_image image,
pntr_image_type  type,
unsigned int *  dataSize 

Gets a PNG representation of the given image in memory.

This method can be overloaded by defining PNTR_SAVE_IMAGE_TO_MEMORY .
imageThe image to save to memory.
typeThe type of the image. Use PNTR_IMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN if unknown. PNTR_IMAGE_TYPE_PNG, PNTR_IMAGE_TYPE_JPG, etc.
dataSizeWhere to put the resulting size of the image. Use NULL if you do not care about getting the file size.
The image data in memory. This data must be freed when finished using. NULL on failure.
See also

◆ pntr_set_error()

PNTR_API void * pntr_set_error ( pntr_error  error)

Sets an error.

errorA string representing the error that had just occured.
Always returns NULL.

◆ pntr_set_pixel_color()

PNTR_API void pntr_set_pixel_color ( void *  dstPtr,
pntr_pixelformat  dstPixelFormat,
pntr_color  color 

Set the pixel color of the given pixel color pointer.

dstPtrA pointer to the pixel in memory.
dstPixelFormatThe desired destination pixel format.
colorThe color to apply.

◆ pntr_unload_file()

PNTR_API void pntr_unload_file ( unsigned char *  fileData)

Unloads the given file data.

fileDataThe data of the file to unload from memory.
See also

◆ pntr_unload_file_text()

PNTR_API void pntr_unload_file_text ( const char *  text)

Unload the file text data from memory.

textThe text to unload.
See also

◆ pntr_unload_font()

PNTR_API void pntr_unload_font ( pntr_font font)

Unloads the given font from memory.

fontThe font to unload from memory.

◆ pntr_unload_image()

PNTR_API void pntr_unload_image ( pntr_image image)

Unloads the given image from memory.

imageThe image to unload from memory.

◆ pntr_unload_memory()

PNTR_API void pntr_unload_memory ( void *  pointer)

Unloads the given memory.

pointerA pointer to the memory of which to unload.
See also